
Thanks for your support of Kātoitoi, the Aotearoa Design Archive; your participation helped us curate this critical body of work and propelled the discourse around our practice.

The archive was a pilot project funded by Creative New Zealand to gather and discuss Aotearoa NZ design and culture during 2020.

At this time, it is a closed capsule project that will continue to live as the website. The archive will provide a resource through which we can view our country in 2020 - a pivotal year of change globally and as a nation.

As the pilot project has concluded, we are unsure what (if any) future there may be for Kātoitoi. We encourage you to follow contemporary local design discourse at where the DA team publishes regular content. We will also announce any future activity with the Aotearoa Design Archive through the Katoitoi & Design Assembly mailing lists, so be sure to subscribe. 

Ngā mihi

Louise & Nicole

Kātoitoi co-founders